“Meet your Student” event brings sponsors and students together
Nearly 400 people joined Shanghai Sunrise “Meet Your Student” event on a very sunny spring day. New sponsors had the chance to see their students for the first time and those who had already met their students before had an opportunity to catch up with them again.
In three sessions, more than 180 high school and university students came face to face with the person who enables them to pursue their education. At each session, sponsor speakers from Bartra Wealth Advisors, Education for Humanity, GM China Women Council and Hays Recruitment gave very inspiring speeches. All of them encouraged the students to study hard and to strive towards achieving their career aspirations.
For the first time this year students took the stage as well. On behalf of their fellow students three young leaders expressed their sincere gratitude to their sponsors, Shanghai Sunrise and their teachers. During the events, two female students performed songs in front of receptive audience, expressing their thankfulness through their singing.
Among our partners vice president Mr. Fang Guoping from the Shanghai Charity Foundation and co-workers from each district joined this event to support us.
We also want to thank the employees of our sponsor Hermes-OTTO who made scarves for our students and NAIS volunteers who prepared backpacks filled with snacks for the newly enrolled students. After their long journey to our event venue this was a pleasant surprise.
The entire Shanghai Sunrise team is glad everyone had such a great time and looks forward to the next occasion to bring students and their sponsors together.
在阳光灿烂的日子里,近400人参加了上海初升的太阳“与您的学生见面“活动。 新资助人得以有机会第一次见到他们的学生,而之前已经见过他们学生的资助人又有机会再次与自己的学生会面。
活动分为三个场次,超过180名高中生和大学生与帮助他们接受教育的资助人们面对面进行了交流。来自Bartra财富管理,Education for Humanity,通用汽车中国妇女会和瀚纳仕招聘的资助人代表分别发表了鼓舞人心的演讲。他们都鼓励学生要努力学习,奋斗实现自己的职业抱负。 今年学生们也第一次站到了演讲台上。三位年轻的学生代表所有的同学们向他们的资助人、初阳及老师们表示衷心的感谢。还有才艺表演,两名女学生面对台下那么多热情的来宾们,用她们的歌声表达了感恩之心。 感谢我们的合作伙伴,上海市慈善基金会的方国平副理事长和各区分会的老师代表们也来到会场支持我们的活动。 在此,我们还要感谢我们的资助人Hermes-OTTO企业的员工,他们特意加班为我们的学生编织了各式围巾!还有英国学校(NAIS)的志愿者们,他们为新加入的学生准备了装满小吃的背包。在同学们长途跋涉到达我们的活动场地后,这是一个惊喜。 整个初阳团队成员都非常高兴与所有人度过了如此美好的时光,并期待下一次将学生和资助人们再次聚集在一起。